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[Total Views: 5098 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 653]
Author: Subject: 6th Annual Empire Z Picnic
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1299
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 7/13/2009 at 18:53
6th Annual Empire Z Picnic

[Copied from an e-mail from G. Bugarin, President]
OK everyone. It's time for our picnic. We expect a great turnout because LAZ32 is coordinating a cruise that actually ends at our picnic.

Where: Fairmont Park, Riverside Ca

When: Sunday August 9th, 2009 from 11am-4pm

Food will be ready at approx 12.

We will provide burgers, chips and sodas/water. If you would like to share any platter, please feel free to bring it.

We kindly ask for a $5.00 donation if your 2009 dues are not paid or you are not a member of the Empire Z Club.

Thanks everyone!



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Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1299
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 8/10/2009 at 15:57

We had a total of 22 Z's present at the picnic and and unknow amount of daily drivers. Some folks brought their families :)

Everyone seemed to have a great time and enjoyed the food.

I have uploaded about 20 photos to our Forum
that I took of the event.

Here's the link.


Hope to see everyone next year !!

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