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[Total Views: 5048 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 556]
Author: Subject: 2nd Annual Avocado Cruise - Photos
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1299
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

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[*] posted on 2/10/2008 at 23:05
2nd Annual Avocado Cruise - Photos

Hi Everyone,

I just posted 47 photos that I took today on the 2nd Annual Avocado Cruise.

This year was sooo much better than 2007. Best temp of the day was 81 degrees according to my temp gauge and it was clear and sunny all day.

We had a great turnout. I counted 48 "Z" cars and we had two G35 Infiniti's and a Miata thrown in for good measure.

We left Denny's shortly after 9am with the count at 23 "Z" cars. Picked up about four more at the Cajalco Road Shopping Center and picked up over twenty more "Z" cars on Grand Avenue.

If you were a person in a car waiting to get on the road - it took a good while for all the "Z" cars to pass.:yelclap:

There were a lot of nice twistie roads throughout the run. We ended up at the Pala Casino where the Empire Z members got treated to a free lunch.

Photos are in the Forum Photo Gallery - >Click Here to View<

Also, check out the video submitted by John V. of SDZ32 club. http://sdz32.clubspaces.com/



[Edited on 2/17/2008 by jmallard]

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