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[Total Views: 4713 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 507]
Author: Subject: 2007 Annual BBQ Photos
Super Administratorjmallard


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Registered: 10/9/2005
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camera_rsvd.gif posted on 8/12/2007 at 19:53
2007 Annual BBQ Photos

Hi everyone,

I just posted 69 photos that I took at this year's 4th Annual Picnic (BBQ) for Empire Z Club.

We had a good turn out - 19 Z cars and between 40 and 50 Empire Z members and their families.

The food was great and the friendship even better. Dick and Tony did most of the cooking and did a great job.

We had a great prize table from our great sponsors, especially Charles Park from Power Trix. Big Mike, Brian, Fred and Chuck hit with winning tickets more than anyone. However, I was fortunate enough to win one of the three top prizes, a radiator air deflector from Power Trix for the Z32 and I even won the one for a Z33 donated by Ted. [Actually, my wife bought the winning tickets for us]

There will probably be more photos submitted and I will add them to the photo album in the Photo Gallery.

Here's the link to the photos.

Hope to see you all at next year's BBQ


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