Empire Z

Empire Z December 2007 Club Meeting Notes
bbugarin2 - 12/7/2007 at 09:47

We had a nice turnout last evening, with 20 Z's showing despite the rain that was planned. The talk of the night was the success of the first car show. We've seen nothing but positive feedback. If you haven't seen the pictures, you can find many at the following links:




Mark your calendars. Our second annual EmpireZ/Corona Nissan car show will be Saturday, December 6th, 2008.

Upcoming events:
Our Avocado run is coming up! Make plans to attend on Sunday, Feb 10, 2008.

Spyder Z 15 - 12/23/2007 at 08:58

Did I miss you at the meet Gerry. I showed up kinda late, but never saw you. :karate: