Mark your calendars, our 2009 calendar is set.
February 8, 2009: 3rd Annual Avocado Cruise. Last year we had 50 cars show up for this cruise! It ends at the PALA casino with a great buffet. Paid
EmpireZ members get a free buffet.
April 2, 2009: Hooters dinner. Our normal monthly meet moves over to Hooters on this day where paid members get a free dinner.
Powertrix will be there showing us their new stuff.
April 26, 2009: We will do our traditional caravan from Denny's to the 2009 Z-Car West Coast Nationals. There are also events on Apr 24th and 25th
(check their website to register).
June 7, 2009: 8th Annual Big Bear Mountain cruise. This is always an awesome run through the San Bernardino mountains. We stop for lunch at our
traditional deep dish pizza shop. Yes, food is free for paid members.
August 9th, 2009: Our 6th annual summer BBQ
November 14, 2009: 3rd Annual Empire Z Car Show
Any questions - just e-mail.
[Edited on 1/1/2009 by jmallard]
[Edited on 1/7/2009 by jmallard]