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[Total Views: 8434 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 988]
Author: Subject: 2013 Empire Z - 7th Annual Car Show Winners
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 10/19/2013 at 11:40
2013 Empire Z - 7th Annual Car Show Winners

3rd - 240Z - Luis Lopez
2nd - 240Z - John Williams
1st - 240Z - JC Alfonso

3rd - 260Z - NO 3RD PLACE
2nd - 260Z - David Gonzales
1st - 260Z - Robert Heckendorf

3rd - 280Z - Dennis Hart
2nd - 280Z - David Platt
1st - 280Z - Marquez Reed

3rd - 280ZX - NO 3RD PLACE
2nd - 280ZX - Leonard Arnoth
1st - 280ZX - Carlos Perez

3rd - 300ZX (Z31) - Omron Hassan
2nd - 300ZX (Z31) - David Green
1st - 300ZX (Z31) - Lemarr Childs

3rd - 300ZX (Z32) - Mike Manginelli
2nd - 300ZX (Z32) - KC Hardict
1st - 300ZX (Z32) - Dennis Harris

3rd - 350Z (Z33) - Chuck Britt
2nd - 350Z (Z33) - Andrew Echols
1st - 350Z (Z33) - Derek Donaldson

3rd - 370Z (Z34) - Andre Johnson
2nd - 370Z (Z34) - Lenny Ellis
1st - 370Z (Z34) - Will Wang

Pre 1985
2nd - 620 Pick-up – Robert Lagg
1st - Roadster - Michael Anderson

GTR - Fred Britt

Infiniti - David Mihalko

Dealers Choice – (Z32) Joe Gamas

Best In Show - (Z32) Joe Gamas

We are very grateful to Nissan of San Bernardino for sponsoring our car show. They were 100% cooperative and supportive of the Car Show and contributed greatly to the success of our 3rd Car Show at their dealership. They also donated some very nice raffle prizes !

Thanks very much to our vendors who took the time to bring their products to the show for everyone to learn about & browse. Many Thanks for all the great prizes that were donated to our Prize Table. Let's give them some business and let them know we appreciate their support of our event and club.
(Forgive me if I failed to mention someone)

- Nissan of San Bernardino
- Powertrix
- RDZ Motorsports
- 3D Detailing Products
- Japanese Nostalgic Car
- Motorsport Auto
- Datsun Parts LLS
- Williams Machine
- Z Car Club Magazine (ZCCM)

The following clubs were represented:

Empire Z
Group Z
IE Datsun Meet
Infamous Z
My 350Z
Zantastic Z
Z Exclusive

Thanks to everyone for making this a great car show.

Jerry M
Empire Z VP

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