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Author: Subject: Monthly Club Meeting - July 2013
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 7/16/2013 at 00:14
Monthly Club Meeting - July 2013

Dear Empire Z Members,

Due to the holiday, we had our meet on the 2nd Thursday this month. We would like to thank everyone who came out on July 11. We had around 16 cars with 5 generations represented. You can check out pictures from the meet at http://www.facebook.com/inlandempirez .

Z of the Month - Check out the pics and story of Billy Ewing's 1990 300ZX TT on our web site http://www.empirez.com

Trivia - What was the name of the rare (around 420 built) S30 Fairlady Z that used the same MyISAM as the KPGC10 (Hakosuka) Skyline GT-R? This one stumped the crowd, but you can find the answer and a pic at http://www.facebook.com/inlandempirez in the Classic Car Nagoya album.

ZCCM - The electronic version of issue 2 is out and it includes several pics of Empire Z cars from the Z-Car West Coast Nationals. If you would like to subscribe, please reply to this e-mail. It is $15 for 6 bimonthly issues and you get a hard copy and e-copy of each.

Powertrix - Check out all of their latest performance parts for your Z at http://www.powertrix.com

Hats - Empire Z caps are coming soon.

Empire Z BBQ - Aug. 11 - Join Empire Z for food, games, and Zs. We have a great location this year at California Citrus State Historic Park in Riverside with a large level grass area, lots of picnic tables, shade, restrooms, and plenty of parking for Zs. FREE for members and $5 for guests.

Other Events -
July 20 - Top Line Industrial Supply Open House and 1st Annual Car/Truck&Bike Show - 10:00 - 4:00 at 101 California Ave. in Beaumont, CA 92223 http://www.top-lineindustrial.com (951) 769-9665. $15 entry fee goes to charity.

July 20 - Inland Empire Classic Datsun/JDM Meet - 3rd Saturday of every month at Portillo's in Moreno Valley
https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet - I will be there.

Our next meeting will be on August 1 at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there!

John M.
Empire Z

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