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Author: Subject: Monthly Club Meeting - April 2013
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

bouncing.gif posted on 4/6/2013 at 15:02
Monthly Club Meeting - April 2013

Dear Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on April 4. We had 19 cars with 5 generations of Zs represented. You can check out pictures from the meet at https://www.facebook.com/InlandEmpireZ. If you haven't "liked" us yet, please help us get past the 100 mark.

New Members - Empire Z would like to welcome Inmer Cornejo and his very cool black Z32 TT and Fernando Austin with his award-winning '75 280Z.

Z of the Month - Rey Salas talked about his Monterey blue 2011 370Z and you can find out why we are glad he ended up at the wrong Carmax in his interesting write-up with long list of mods on our web site www.empirez.com

Trivia - Congratulations to Gilbert Ruiz who won a special edition of Nissan Sport magazine for answering our trivia question about the first model year of the 240Z. We also asked about the chief designer for the original Z and you can find answers in an interesting episode of Moto-man at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Kp0itoUlY

Z-Car West Coast Nationals - We will be caravanning to Motorsport Auto in Anaheim on Sunday, April 28. Meet at Denny's in Ontario around 6:30 and depart at 7 am. If you haven't registered yet, go to http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/WCN We would like Empire Z to have a presence at the show, so we will be setting up a booth and would appreciate it if you would wear an Empire Z shirt.

ZCCM - This is the new Z magazine and we will be among the first people to get hard copies of the very first issue at the Z-Car West Coast Nationals. They will also send out e-copies to all who have subscribed.

Meeting Location - Towards the end of our meet on April 4, a person arrived and identified himself as a representative for the new owner of the property where we meet. He said that we would no longer be able to use the parking lot for our meets. Dick is going to try to talk to the new owner and see if we can work something out. Just in case, we would appreciate suggestions for alternative locations. If you have an idea for a convenient, safe, well-lit location with access to food and restrooms, please reply.

Other Events - 1) NJROTC Car show at Corona High School on April 20. http://everycarshow.com/events/corona-high-school-njrotc-6th-annual-classic-custom-car-show/
2) Cars and Cappuccino every Saturday at Magnone restaurant in Riverside at 8 am.
3) Cars and Coffee every Saturday morning at San Manuel Village

Our next meeting will be on May 2.

John Moran
Empire Z

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