[Total Views: 5302 | Total Replies: 5 | Thread Id: 506] |
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Mood: Always Confused
posted on 8/11/2007 at 23:05 |
Welcome chicagoz !!
chicagoz !!
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Posts: 3
Registered: 8/11/2007
Gender: Male
Location: Fox Lake, IL
State Flag:  Illinois
Favorite Car: 1976 & 1975 280z
posted on 8/12/2007 at 11:01 |
NEED HELP...do you have any Z members in the Barstow area??? we're stranded with a 75 280z and a bad pick-up in the distributor and no parts store
has one in this town and I'm 1000 miles from our house...name is Brian and my cell is 847-736-2618 or call my roommate in Chicago at 847-274-7088
name is Dave please call soon for it is getting hot here in Barstow and I want to continue to go home...anybody???
Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag:  California
Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT
Mood: Always Confused
posted on 8/13/2007 at 09:30 |
I called Brian yesterday around 6:30pm.
He is broke down in Barstow and needs a pick-up coil for the distributor on a 1975 280Z. None of the parts stores in Victorville or Barstow has the
part in stock. He said that NAPA could get the part to him sometime today. I hope he was able to get his part and continue his journey.
I gave him the number of one of our members who I thought might have the part or access to one, but he did not answer his phone.
Brian has my phone number and I told him to call me back if I could help any further. So far, no phone calls.
Posts: 3
Registered: 8/11/2007
Gender: Male
Location: Fox Lake, IL
State Flag:  Illinois
Favorite Car: 1976 & 1975 280z
posted on 8/13/2007 at 15:17 |
ok...now we fixed the pick-up coil problem and now it seems to have a fuel problem...the fuel pump is pumping but its not getting to the
injectors...any suggestions??? another question if its the ECU does a 78 ECU work in a 75 280z...i can get one from my buddy in IL if it does...or if
someone is close by has one it would be quicker...I would pay someone in the club here to pick me up with a car trailer and take me to a Z shop or
mechanic to help me fix this car so I can get home...Brian 847-736-2618
[Edited on 8/13/2007 by chicagoZ]
JDM Muscle!
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posted on 8/13/2007 at 17:32 |
Sounds like the fuel-filter is clogged. You may need a new one. Did you actually check to see if you had fuel-presure? I used to live close to Barstow
but I'm in Arizona now... sorry that's all i can do to help. Hopefully someone can help you out but i don't know many people in Empire Z that live
out in that area besides Jerry and Big Mike. Keep us posted and we will do what we can to help....
Zeto! Zeto!

Empire Z
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posted on 8/13/2007 at 19:10 |
Call Motorsport for contacts. (800)633-6331
There is a shop here in Covina that works on 280's but they are not cheap. Vincent Auto 626) 334-3976