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[Total Views: 5974 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 460]
Author: Subject: Looking for a good mechanic!

Posts: 2
Registered: 5/20/2007

[*] posted on 5/20/2007 at 22:30
Looking for a good mechanic!

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and looking for some assistance. I recently purchased a 1990 z32 and I'm having some problems with the fuel injectors. I just had the all the injectors replaced, but the car still isn't running good. I've noticed that when the car is cold it has a hard time starting and when it finally starts, white smoke come out of the exhaust and it smells like fuel. I think the mechanic I took it to doesn't really know much about the twin turbos. So I'm in search of a good mechanic in the area. I stay in the city of ontario....it's a silly problem that I'm having. I just want to enjoy my z! Thanks
MemberMrOC Male
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[*] posted on 5/21/2007 at 23:27
- Looking for a good mechanic!

You can try Z car Specialty in Upland. Haven't heard bad news or good news about them but I will be taking my Z there probably this friday . I'll let you know how it goes.


Posts: 2
Registered: 5/20/2007

[*] posted on 5/23/2007 at 14:56
- Looking for a good mechanic!

Ok. thanks

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