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[Total Views: 3732 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 370]
Author: Subject: Black 350Z Coupe needed for USC student shoot

Posts: 2
Registered: 10/25/2006
Location: Marina del Rey
State Flag: California


Mood: Desperate

shocked.gif posted on 10/25/2006 at 13:48
Black 350Z Coupe needed for USC student shoot

My name is David Roth and I am a film student at the University of
Southern California and am in desperate need of your assistance.

I am shooting a spec commercial for the Nissan 350Z for my student reel and am unavialable to locate the vehicle I need necessary to pull off the rest of my shoot. I am looking for a Black 350Z coupe with little aftermarket modifcations (any year) to be available for my shoot near Victorville, CA. I have already shot part of the commercial, which is why I am in need of that particular vehicle. Our shoot dates are scheduled for
November 4 and 5.

I have tried searching the Los Angeles are for a Black 350Z, but have
been unable to locate anyone willing to let me use their vehicle.
I've tried local rental agencies that specialize in exotic cars but
have not been able to find a Black 350Z coupe which is what I am
limited to. I also cannot afford to use a cinema vehicle locator
services as I am on a limited budget.

Here are the details of the shoot:

I need the vehicle for 2 to 3 full days and will return the vehicle
waxed and completely detailed. The production is covered by a
$1,000,000 general liablitly insurance policy. I am willing to offer
compensation and a possible loaner vehicle, if need be, to use their
Black 350Z coupe. I can offer transporation of the vehicle to and
from set and will only put miles on the car when filming (between
20-40 miles), if necessary. The car will not be involved in any stunt
work and will be driven by professional drivers on the shoot
(professional driver resume's available upon request). Any leads you
can offer through your connections or club would be hugely appreciated
as the shoot dates are approaching fast.

I know you may be skeptical but please be assured this is not a scam.
I will provide you Drivers Lisense and Insurance information and phone
numbers to our vendors to confirm my identity. If it takes the owner
driving the car to set and watching the entire day, i am also willing to
offer that, as well. The vehicle never has to leave the owner's
sight. (however, due to insurance I cannot have the owner drive while
we are filming).

If you ahve any questions, concerns or comments, please email me back
at filmla@gmail.com or on my cell phone at 213-434-0628.


david adam roth

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