[Total Views: 4695 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 282] |
Empire Z
Posts: 185
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Pomona, CA 91767
State Flag:  California
Favorite Car: 1990 Cherry Red TT
posted on 5/6/2006 at 09:16 |
May 4, 2006 Club Meeting Minutes
Officers in Attendance:
Chuck Thacker
Tony Dighera
Dick Funk
Gerry Bugarin
Motorsports Update:
We had a terrific turnout at the 11th annual
Motorsports event. Despite the issues getting into the
event, everyone had a blast. I will be personally
calling the management at Motorsport to urge them for
an express lane for pre-paid clubs in next year's
event. Also, we had three club members that placed
during the show.
Bill Hughes 2004 350 - Third Place OEM Z33
Robert Tessier 1990 300 - Third Place MyISAM
Xavier (not sure of last name) - First Place Z31
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, June 4th is our annual mountain cruise. Lunch is
included for members. $5 for non-members.
El Mirage:
May 6-7th is opening weekend for El Mirage. Club
officer Tony Dighera will be running two cars up
there. Please contact Tony for more info.
Club membership also entitles you to a free POP3 email
account. (yourname@empirez.com). Contact Chuck for
more info.
Those interested in paying their membership dues by
Paypal, our email address is membership@empirez.com
Our first newsletter went out last week. If you did
not receive one, please let me know and I will send
one out to you electronically or by mail.
See you next month!
Spyder Z 15
Posts: 347
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Riverside, CA, 92518
State Flag:  California
Favorite Car: '93 Slicktop Z32
Mood: Friggin excellent
posted on 5/7/2006 at 10:22 |
- May 4, 2006 Club Meeting Minutes
Nice minutes Gerry. I got the e-mail too.
Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag:  California
Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT
Mood: Always Confused
posted on 5/7/2006 at 10:40 |
May 4, 2006 Club Meeting Minutes
/\ What he said