Empire Z Calendar - Thanks to everyone who picked up one or two at the meeting. I tried to include as many Zs as possible. They will be available at
our car show for $10, but I only have 8 left and 2 are already spoken for. If you want to reserve one, please reply.
Z of the Month - This is our first repeat member. The first time we had Carlos P.'s 280ZX and this time you can check out his '09 370Z story and
pics at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm .
Z Magazine - Hard copies of Issue 8 have arrived and will be available at the car show. We will also have a few back issues for sale for $3.
JCCS - The 10th Annual Japanese Classic Car Show in Long Beach was impressive. I believe they had 400 registered cars, including a fantastic display
of Zs. You can check out pics at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.743357292392478.1073742000.40395526...
Congratulations to John Williams for picking up an award for his very cool 510 wagon!
- Oct. 18 - ZCSD Dyno Day in Santee at 10am - $60 for 2 pulls. - http://zcsd.org/
- Oct. 18 - Inland Empire Datsun Meet in Moreno Valley - https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet
- Oct. 26 - ZCCIV 12th Annual Car Show at SoCal Wax Shop in Murrieta, CA - Flyer will be sent with updates
Next monthly meeting will be at Denny's in Ontario on November at 8 pm. See you there!