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Author: Subject: June 2014 Updates
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

bouncing.gif posted on 6/19/2014 at 08:05
June 2014 Updates

Dear Empire Z Members,

Nissan Jam - On June 15, a few of us headed out to Costa Mesa, CA for the 2nd Annual Nissan Jam. There was a cool variety of Nissans with Skylines, 510s, 210s, Silvias, trucks, and much more! I counted around 40 Zs representing all 6 generations. Congratulations to John Williams for 2nd place in the 240Zs and I picked up 2nd place in the 260 - 280ZX group. Pics at https://www.facebook.com/InlandEmpireZ

Big Bear Cruise - On June 8 , around 20 Zs and a few friends hit some scenic twisties and got to hang out together with a free pizza lunch.
Pics at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.688320234562851.1073741963.40395526...
Bridge crossing video with audio at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6VLonP4Lk4
Awesome aerial video by Mike A. at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTzn30aUDyo

Vegas and BRE - This is not an official Empire Z event, but I will be going to Las Vegas on 6/24 and coming back the following day. On the way there, I have arranged to stop at the BRE office to pick up memorabilia and possible photo op with Pete Brock. Z project is out for paint, but might get a look at the Mexican Rally 510 and Datzilla. If interested, please reply ASAP.

New members - Empire Z would like to welcome the following new members:
John M. - '96 Z32 #272 of the last 300, '88 Z31 Shiro, and more.
Scott B. - '73 240Z
Chase M. - '14 370Z
Paul U. - '77 280Z
This brings our total to 66 members and associates - Outstanding!

ZCON - Aug. 5-9 - Info and registration is at http://www.zccazconvention.com/conventions/2014/
Updates include drag racing on Friday night at Qualcomm, and Nissan Design Center is on - latest word was 80 people by lottery for tour.

Z Magazine - The e-copy of issue 7 for the Z Car Club Magazine is out and hard copies should be available at the next monthly meeting for those who subscribed.

Sponsors - Keep your Z looking great with detailing products from 3D. Empire Z members get a 10% discount at their 3 area locations. For info on 3D and all of our sponsors, click on the sponsor tab at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm.

- June 21 - Idyllwild Cruise - ZCSD - http://zcsd.org/
- June 21 - Inland Empire Datsun Meet in Moreno Valley - https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet
- July 13 - Datsun Swap Meet at Eagle Rock - http://community.ratsun.net/topic/62733-eagle-rock-swap-meet-july-13-2014/

Empire Z's next monthly meeting will be July 3 at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there.

John M.
Empire Z

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