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Empire Z Past President
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posted on 8/7/2006 at 23:44 |
Weird History. Lincoln & Kennedy.
I received this email from a friend about the comparison of Lincoln and Kennedy. Pretty strange????
Thought you might find this interesting !!!
History Lesson
Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Now hang on to your seat.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'
Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the kicker...
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
Creepy huh? Send this to as many people as you can, cause: Hey, this is one history lesson people don't mind reading
Empire Z
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posted on 8/7/2006 at 23:50 |
- Weird History. Lincoln & Kennedy.
Holy crap. Thats insane.
Posts: 41
Registered: 6/10/2006
Location: Fontana, CA 92335
posted on 8/8/2006 at 22:30 |
- Weird History. Lincoln & Kennedy.
Wow! that's crazy! Well, they do say history repeats itself, apparently every one hundred years! LOL!
Spyder Z 15
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posted on 5/28/2007 at 20:29 |
- Weird History. Lincoln & Kennedy.
I like it. Crazy