March 2016 - Meeting Notes
Due to the weather (raining at Denny's in Ontario), we only had 8 members show up for the meeting.
We had a short meeting and discussed upcoming various Z events. Out next club event is the 15th Annual Mountain Cruise. The event was originally
scheduled for June 12, 2016 be we learned that this date conflicted with the "Nissan Jam" being held in Anaheim, CA.
Therefore, we changed the date of our Mountain Cruise to June 5, 2016.
Chris talked about a new device that will allow us to accept credit cards at out club functions using a smart phone. Any funds collected will go
straight to our bank account. This is a nice new convenience for our members.
Hope to see a better turn out for next month's meeting.

Empire Z VP

[Edited on 4/8/2016 by jmallard]
[Edited on 4/8/2016 by jmallard]