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Author: Subject: November Meeting Notes
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 11/14/2013 at 09:33
November Meeting Notes

Dear Empire Z Members,

We have many veterans in Empire Z and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their service.

We would also like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on November 7. We had around 15 cars come out, including several first-timers. You can check out pictures from the meet at http://www.empirez.com/forum/gallery_view_album.php?cid=80.

Trivia - Congratulations to Pablo's better half for correctly guessing the year of incorporation for Empire Z - 2004. They won a sample set of products from our newest sponsor, 3D Detailing products. Check out 3D at https://www.facebook.com/#!/3DofMontclair

Club Goals - In addition to the year of incorporation, I also briefly mentioned the three goals of the club:
1) To promote interest in, preservation and restoration of, and activities centering around Datsun and Nissan "Z" model automobiles.
2) To create good fellowship and sportsmanship among members, and to promote interaction between Empire Z and other clubs in local and extended areas for the mutual benefit of all members.
3) To conduct club operations and activities in such a way as to bring about a better and clearer understanding on the part of public, press, and other groups toward Datsun and Nissan "Z" model automobiles.

7th Annual Car Show - This year's show did a nice job of reaching our club goals and the addition of a charity certainly helped with the third goal. Countless hours go into making the show a success, so I took the opportunity to acknowledge some of the Empire Z team that helped out, including Bryan, Jose, Chuck B., Fred (Secretary), Jerry (VP), and presented an MVP trophy to Dick (Treasurer). We were also able to present a check to our animal shelter charity rep, Colleen. This brought the total raised from the event to over $1,200 for a great cause! A few pics of the team were included in our gallery at the link posted above.

Facebook - Car pics from the meeting have been posted at http://www.facebook.com/inlandempirez Please support the page and the posts by clicking "like."

ZCCM - The issue 4 e-copy is out and the hard copy should be available at our next meeting on Dec. 5. Look for our 7th Annual Show article and pics. I was fortunate to also have my (lengthy) article from my trip to Japan featured in this issue.

Petersen Museum - On Nov. 9, seven Empire Z members headed out to the Japanese Car Cruise-In. It was a beautiful SoCal day and good turnout for the event, including around 30 Zs! Look for pics on our facebook page later this week.

Other Events - 1) Nov. 12 - Time Attack at Adams Motorsports Park in Riverside with Group Z
2) Nov. 16 - Inland Empire Datsun Meet - https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet

Our next meeting will be on Dec. 5 at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there!

John M.
Empire Z

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