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Author: Subject: Monthly Club Meeting - September 2013
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 9/8/2013 at 21:34
Monthly Club Meeting - September 2013

Dear Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on September 5. Great turnout! We had over 22 Z cars and some more friends come out. You can check out pictures from the meet at http://www.facebook.com/inlandempirez .

New Members - Empire Z would like to welcome Juan M. and his silver '76 280Z, Greg B. and his red '90 Z32, and Derek C. and his black '90 Z32. We would also like to welcome back Roberto F. and his white '92 Z32 as well as Fred Z. and his brown '85 Z31 Turbo. This brings our total to 54 members and associates!

Trivia - Congratulations to Big Mike who won Nissan Sport's "Z Turns 40" magazine for answering our trivia question about how many generations of Zs there are. Answer: 6
1 - S30 (240Z, 260Z, 280Z) 1970 -1978
2 - S130 (280ZX) 1979 - 1983
3 - Z31 (300ZX) 1984 -1989
4 - Z32 (300ZX) 1990 - 1996 in U.S.
5 - Z33 (350Z) 2003 - 2008
6 - Z34 (370Z) 2009 - Present

Empire Z Gear - Thanks to everyone who supported the club by buying hats, shirts, stickers, and our new can coolers.

7th Annual Car Show - Register early for the discounted price. $25 gets you a spot, a T-shirt, Lunch, and a raffle ticket!!! The show will be at Nissan of San Bernardino on October 12 and we will be partnering with the San Bernardino Animal Shelter. Register online or mail in the form from http://www.empirez.com Just go to the home page and you will see it.

Other Events - 1) Inland Empire Datsun Meet in Moreno Valley, CA - Sept. 21 - https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet
2) JCCS - Sept. 28 in Long Beach, CA - http://www.japaneseclassiccarshow.com/
3) Multistate Datsun Meet in Williams, AZ - Oct. 4 & 5 - http://nostalgicdatsun.com/

Our next meeting will be on Oct. 3 at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there!

John M.
Empire Z

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