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Author: Subject: Monthly Club Meeting - August 2013
Super Administratorjmallard


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Registered: 10/9/2005
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[*] posted on 8/9/2013 at 19:16
Monthly Club Meeting - August 2013

Sorry for the late post.

Dear Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on August 1. We had around 17 Z cars and some more friends come out. Thanks to Michael Anderson for the kind words "Great meet! Good people, and everybody talks to everybody else.. So refreshing! Fun times!" You can check out pictures from the meet at http://www.facebook.com/inlandempirez .
Annual BBQ - Sunday, August 11 at 11:00 in Riverside. Come out for a great day with FREE food for members ($5 for guests), Games, Best Z award. Great venue with shaded tables, large flat grass area, restrooms, and plenty of parking. Check http://www.empirez.com for map and directions. If I haven't talked with you, I would appreciate a reply for a headcount - Thanks.

Z of the Month - Check out the pics and story of John Williams' very cool '72 240Z on our web site http://www.empirez.com John has a machine shop (Williams Machine) and actually made some of the parts for his car, and you can also find some of them at MSA!

Trivia - Congratulations to Gerry B. who won a special edition of Nissan Sport magazine for answering our trivia question about the location of this year's national Z convention - ZCON. You can find the answer below in "Other Events."

ZCCM - We handed out Issue 2 of the new Z magazine. They will also be at the BBQ for those who subscribed. If you would like to subscribe, please reply to this e-mail. It is $15 for 6 bimonthly issues and you get a hard copy and e-copy of each.

Hats - Only $15. Sold 10 at the meeting and will have some available at the BBQ.

7th Annual Car Show - Register early for the discounted price. $25 gets you a spot, a T-shirt, Lunch, and a raffle ticket!!! The show will be at Nissan of San Bernardino on October 12 and we will be partnering with the San Bernardino Dog Shelter. Register online or mail in the form from http://www.empirez.com Just click on the "Events" tab and you will see it.

Other Events - 1) ZCON - Aug. 5-9 in Nashua, NH - http://www.zccazconvention.com/conventions/2013/
2) Vintage Auto Salon - Aug. 10 in San Leandro, CA - http://www.historicjapanesecargathering.com/
3) Northwest Z Show - Aug. 24 in Wilsonville, OR - http://www.northwestz.org

Our next meeting will be on Sept. 5 at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there!

John M.
Empire Z

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