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Author: Subject: Monthly Club Meeting - March 2013
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 3/9/2013 at 11:14
Monthly Club Meeting - March 2013

Dear Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on March 7. The uncertain weather probably kept a few Zs in the garage, but we still had around 14 cars with 4 generations represented.

Membership - The new year got off to a good start with 19 people signing up, including 6 associates and 3 new members. Empire Z would like to welcome Bryan G. and his '76 280Z, Jody V. and his blue 280ZX, and Chuck B. and his '05 Le Mans Sunset 350Z Roadster. If you haven't registered yet, you can do so online or at the Palm Springs cruise on March 10 and the club will cover up to $10 for lunch on the cruise. In addition to all of the benefits, we are also including a club decal with regular membership this year.

Officers - A quorum of members re-elected the club officers: John Moran (President), Jerry Mallard (VP), Dick Funk (Treasurer), Fred Britt (Secretary), and Tony Dighera (Sergeant at Arms).

Powertrix - Charles from Powertrix showed off one of his new carbon kevlar parts (radiator fan shroud) - very cool, but then again all of his parts are cool. Check them out at powertrix.com.

Z of the Month - Will W. talked about his modified 2012 370Z. He has already put a lot of time and money into his car and you can check out his list of mods and pics at empirez.com.

Z Events Calendar - I have put together a somewhat comprehensive list of Z events for 2013. Hard copies were handed out at the meet. The events will be added to the Forum Calendar shortly. Hope to see you at many of the events.

Z Magazine - If you would like to participate in the new Z Magazine, please bring $15 to the Palm Springs cruise on March 10. You will receive 6 bimonthly issues of a Z magazine designed for Z clubs. This is a good opportunity to support and learn about the Z community.

Palm Springs Cruise - Our cruise is scheduled for Sunday, March 10. The initial gathering spot will be Denny's in Ontario around 9 am. The cruise will go out to Johnny Rockets in Palm Springs with a couple stops in between. Check empirez.com for the route, maps, and more details.

Spring Forward - Don't forget to move your clocks forward one hour this weekend. You don't want to miss the cruise.

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


John Moran
Empire Z

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