June 7, 2012 - Club Meeting

We had a total of 26 Z cars at the meeting Thursday night. Great turn out !!
Six new folks signed up for membership, just in time for the 11th Annual Mountain Cruise (Big Bear) on Sunday Jun 10th.
John Moran (President) talked about a new proposal we are going to try out at monthly meetings. "Car of the Month"
This will feature one member's Z car. The owner will talk about the car, mods, etc. and we will post the information about the car and the owner on
the web site each month, along with photos.
John went first and talked about his 1974 260Z (2+2). We will have information and photos up soon on the website.
As always, Charles Park from Powertrix drove up from San Diego and we always enjoy having him present.
I took twenty something photos at the meeting and you can view the in the Photo Gallery >>HERE<<
I hope everyone can make the Mountain Cruise on June 10th and hope to see everyone at next month's meeting, July 5th at Denny's.
