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[Total Views: 4631 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 436]
Author: Subject: April 5, 2007 Club Meeting Minutes
Memberbbugarin2 Male
Empire Z

Posts: 185
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Pomona, CA 91767
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 Cherry Red TT

[*] posted on 4/6/2007 at 13:35
April 5, 2007 Club Meeting Minutes

Thanks to everyone who came out last night. We had 25 Z's show up which is a great showing. Thanks to Charles Park for his continuing support of the club. Remember his EmpireZ challenge for the Motorsport autocross. If you are a EmpireZ member, he will be giving out prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in all Z categories. If you got to the event, please send me your timeslip. I will collect them all and present them to Charles. He can make the prize announcements at our May meet. We hope to have everyone participate!

The Motorsport Z West Coast Nationals are April 27-29th. This is always our biggest meet of the year. We consistently show up with 30+ cars to the car show and many of our members have taken top prizes in years past. **We will be meeting at Denny's at 630am on Sunday morning and leaving at 7am sharp. **

To register for the car show, click here:

TO register for the autocross, click here:

The Stillen Open House is May 12th. We plan to attend this show also. Please let me know if you are coming so we can plan on what time to meet.

Our Big Bear Mountain Run scheduled for April has been pushed to Sunday May 20. Please mark your calendars.

As usual, our club hosted events include food and drinks for our paid members. Non paid members have to pay $5 to help with expenses.


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