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[Total Views: 4173 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 332]
Author: Subject: Amusement Park Discounts
Memberbbugarin2 Male
Empire Z

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[*] posted on 7/11/2006 at 09:44
Amusement Park Discounts

As an added benefit to our members, I am offering to extend my company's discount plan at several amusement parks. All I need is about a week's notice (I only drive into work once a week) and I can get you the tickets or the coupons. Here are some of the discounts:

Disneyland $51.00 (gate price $56) $44.00 (gate price $46)
Disneyland (1 Day Hopper Pass) $64.00 (gate price $76) $59.00 (gate price $66)
Disneyland (2 Day Hopper Pass) $96.00 (gate price $106) $81.00 (gate price $86)
Disneyland (Annual Pass) $143 (gate price $149) $143 (gate price $149)
Sea World $42 (at gate $50.95) $36 (ages 3-9) (gate $40.95)
Legoland $34 (gate $53) $31 (ages 3-12) (gate $43)
San Diego Zoo 26 16.75 (ages 3-11)
Wild Animal Park 22 16.50 (ages 3-11)
Magic Mountain 2 for 1 Coupon = $24
AMC Silver theater ticket (excludes special engagements first 14 days; no exp): $6/per ticket (regular price is $10)

AMC Gold theater ticket (no restrictions; no exp): $7/per ticket (regular price is $10)

Regal VIP Super Saver Ticket (good at Regal/Edwards/UA theaters): $6.50/per ticket (excludes special engagements but can upgrade at door $1.50 for spec. engagements; no exp)

Please email me for more info. thanks

MemberChazZ Male
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[*] posted on 7/13/2006 at 01:11
Amusement Park Discounts

Very Cool Gerry!

Excellent discounts for some local places.

Regards, ChazZ
Empire Z
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