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[Total Views: 8483 | Total Replies: 31 | Thread Id: 240]
Author: Subject: Ask Anything To The Poster Below You
MemberSpyder Z 15 Male

Posts: 347
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Riverside, CA, 92518
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: '93 Slicktop Z32

Mood: Friggin excellent

[*] posted on 5/19/2006 at 07:26
Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Originally posted by canyoncarver
Originally posted by jmallard

In my younger days :wink3: I played in several bands (from Rock'n'Roll to Soul to Country). I used and still own these Guitars

Two favorite movies would be:

Shane (from the 50s with Alan Ladd)

Weekend At Bernie's

Next Poster: One more time for what's your 2 favorite movies?

Favorite movies?

Band of Brothers & Saving Private Ryan...... both touching.

Question: If you could drive your Z anywhere on this planet, where would it be?

I would say either the Autobahn or the highways in Japan.

Question- What is 1 of your favorite CD's of the 90's?

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JDM Muscle!


Posts: 269
Registered: 10/13/2005
Location: Payson, Arizona 85541
State Flag: Arizona

Favorite Car: 1990 Z32 NA 2+2

Mood: Homicidal

[*] posted on 5/19/2006 at 08:45
- Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

^ Bona Drag ---Morrissey ^

On a side note I play Upright bass...

I would LOVE to drive my Z32 on the Japanese WANGAN (sea-side highway) but I'd probably get my handed to me by GTR's and Porsche's cruising around there....

Next Question: What car would you drive other than a Z32? Money is not an issue... it could be any car you want!


Zeto! Zeto!

Membercanyoncarver Male
Junior Member

Posts: 8
Registered: 5/10/2006
Gender: Male
Location: Acton, CA
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: '93 Z32 n/a

[*] posted on 5/20/2006 at 06:00
Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Originally posted by 300zdrift99

Next Question: What car would you drive other than a Z32? Money is not an issue... it could be any car you want!




Where on the planet....

A day at the Nurburgring including the north loop. Especially in the above mentioned car.

Music..... I failed. Music to my ears...... quad-cam 3.0 v-6 @ 6500 rpm.

question: straight line or corners?

Memberbbugarin2 Male
Empire Z

Posts: 185
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Pomona, CA 91767
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 Cherry Red TT

[*] posted on 5/20/2006 at 14:22
- Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Gotta catch up here:
Favorite movie is Ferris Bueler's Day off (seriously)
I would love to return to the German autobahn in something other than a Ford Mondeo.
Money being no issue, I would drive a JUN built R33.
Definately corners. However, it's not economically practical around here.

Next Question:
Who owns your dream Z? (which member on 3ZC or TT.net)

MemberSpyder Z 15 Male

Posts: 347
Registered: 10/13/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Riverside, CA, 92518
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: '93 Slicktop Z32

Mood: Friggin excellent

[*] posted on 5/22/2006 at 07:22
Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Originally posted by bbugarin2
Gotta catch up here:
Favorite movie is Ferris Bueler's Day off (seriously)
I would love to return to the German autobahn in something other than a Ford Mondeo.
Money being no issue, I would drive a JUN built R33.
Definately corners. However, it's not economically practical around here.

Next Question:
Who owns your dream Z? (which member on 3ZC or TT.net)

Corners and I do have to say
Rich (RZT) on tt.net. Fully built 2+2 TTZ. Mmmmmm someday.

Continue that Dream Z question

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Membercanyoncarver Male
Junior Member

Posts: 8
Registered: 5/10/2006
Gender: Male
Location: Acton, CA
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: '93 Z32 n/a

[*] posted on 5/22/2006 at 20:32
Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Continue that Dream Z question

It hasn't been built yet.

Continue that Dream Z question vvvvv

JDM Muscle!


Posts: 269
Registered: 10/13/2005
Location: Payson, Arizona 85541
State Flag: Arizona

Favorite Car: 1990 Z32 NA 2+2

Mood: Homicidal

[*] posted on 5/28/2006 at 08:53
- Ask Anything To The Poster Below You

Haha... that's easy! ESCORT Racing's 7 second, 1000HP Drag Z!

Continue Dream Z


Zeto! Zeto!

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