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Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag:  California
Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT
Mood: Always Confused
posted on 7/5/2014 at 11:21 |
July 2014 - Meeting Notes
Dear Empire Z Members,
Happy 4th of July! We would like to thank everyone who came out to the meet on July 3. We had a great turnout with around 25 Zs, 2 GT-Rs, '49 Ford
Custom, Miata, Mercedes, and more!
Z Video and Coffee - On July 6 at 9am, I will be showing a video with footage of the '94 ZCON in San Diego, including autocross, as well as the
ceremony for the last Z32 in the States at the Petersen Museum. An hour of interesting Z cars, history, and info. Coffee and donuts provided. If
interested, reply by Saturday morning.
Empire Z Calendar - We are going to try to put together a calendar for 2015. If you would like to participate, submit a high quality photo (3mp or
more) of your Z by September 1.
Trivia - Congratulations to Edgar F. who received a cool Stillen poster for answering our question about how many generations have a 2+2 version?
Answer: 4
Note: Datsmo recently started a facebook page for 2+2s and you can check it out at https://www.facebook.com/page4squadron
ZCON - Aug. 5-9 - Info and registration is at http://www.zccazconvention.com/conventions/2014/
Highlights include: 3 Z Designers, 2 Car Shows, Autocross, Drag Racing, Z432 and GT-R Nismo, and much more!
Z of the Month - Check out the story, pics, and long list of mods for Edgar F's blue '90 Z32 NA 2+2 at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm. If you would be interested in
having your car featured, please let me know.
Z Magazine - The hard copy of issue 7 for the Z Car Club Magazine is out and available for those who subscribed.
Sponsors - Check out all of our sponsors at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm.
ZCCIV Catered Meeting - We had 4 people sign up for the ZCCIV event on July 8 in Murrieta.
Santiago Canyon Cruise - On June 28, a few of us joined Group Z for a cruise from Cars and Coffee in Irvine through Santiago Canyon to Orange Circle
for brunch. Many thanks to Ian, Scott and Group Z.
Cars and Coffee pics - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.698109943583880.1073741972.40395526...
Canyon Cruise pics - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.699256110135930.1073741973.40395526...
Empire Z BBQ - Save the date for August 17. More details to come.
- July 13 - Datsun Swap Meet at Eagle Rock - http://community.ratsun.net/topic/62733-eagle-rock-swap-meet-july-13-2014/
- July 19 - Inland Empire Datsun Meet in Moreno Valley - https://www.facebook.com/IEDatsunMeet
- July 19 - ZCSD movie night at Santee Drive-in - http://zcsd.org/
Empire Z's next monthly meeting will be *AUGUST 14* at Denny's in Ontario. Hope to see you there. NOTE: Second Thursday due to ZCON.
John M
Empire Z