Empire Z

October 31st....
300zdrift99 - 10/31/2005 at 16:13

Happy Halloween!

300zdrift99 - 10/31/2005 at 16:13

Oh! And be safe everyone!

jmallard - 10/31/2005 at 22:36


Happy Halloween to You Too!!

It ain't like it used to be. The sicko bastards have ruined it for the kids now days.

We only had 4 kids come by tonight. It's a shame. :sniff:


Spyder Z 15 - 11/1/2005 at 09:17

My daughter was a ladybug and she was sooooo cute, but the rest of my day sucked.

300zdrift99 - 11/1/2005 at 16:22

We spent Halloween at a friends house in Adelanto... THERE WAS A CRAP LOAD OF KIDS! We ran out of candy and had to bar the door!

Spyder Z 15 - 11/3/2005 at 08:50

There's people in Adelanto? :smilegrin:

300zdrift99 - 11/3/2005 at 09:59

Surprisingly... YES!

Spyder Z 15 - 11/3/2005 at 10:27

Lol. I used to pass through there all the time back in the day going to ride quads over @ El Mirage dry lake bed. Even saw a couple of car commercials being made there. Used to see a CHP car parked on the side of the road and there'd be a dummy inside sitting in the driver's sear. :biggrin:

300zdrift99 - 11/4/2005 at 13:11

Yeah I remember that phase... fake dummy. I actually work in Adelanto and CHP is all-over the place! Haven't been pulled over but my brother got snagged by a Moto-CHP officer.... sucks.