Empire Z

Monthly Club Meeting - December 6, 2012
jmallard - 12/6/2012 at 23:50


We had a total of 16 - Z cars at the meeting tonight with couple more driving other cars. Great turn out for a winter month !!

It was a little cool but fortunately not much wind.

We talked about the fact that new members can join the club for only $17.50 for the rest of the year and of the benefits of club membership.

Charles from Powertirx was present (as usual). We really do appreciate him taking time to drive all the way up from San Diego to attend our club meetings.

For our Z of the Month, Jose T. talked about his 1971 - 240Z (a very nice Z). Click HERE to see his car and more info.

ZCCIV invited to attend a breakfast at French Valley Airport Cafe (Murrieta, CA) this Sunday at 9am. (See the Calendar for more info).

Hope to see everyone at next month's meeting, January 3, 2013 at Denny's.
