Empire Z

Feb 5, 2009 - Club Meeting
jmallard - 2/6/2009 at 11:21


We held our monthly meeting Thursday, Feb 5, 2009.

Club Officers present were: Chuck - Dick and Jerry.

We only had 8 "Z" cars present, however, there were others who attended in other vehicles. The weather was not so great, but at least it wasn't raining. For me, it rained on Cajon Pass all the way down to the meeting and all the way home to Victorville.

Charles Park of PowerTrix attended, as usual. We always appreciate him driving up from San Diego.

Discussions centered mostly on the upcoming Avocado Cruise scheduled for this Sunday, Feb 8th. We will meet at Denny's at 9am and depart at 9:30.

1st stop off of Cajalco and the 15 freeway in the shopping center near the Petco and the theatre. We meet there at 10am. Here, we plan to pick up all the Inland Valley Z club members.

The next stop after that is Clinton Keith exit off of 15. This is the entry point to the hills and where we meet the San Diego Z32 club and SDZ club.

Final stop is at the Pala Casino. We will meet there on the top floor of the parking structure. Probably around 1:30pm. Stay til 3pm, then drive back up.

The club picks up the tab for the Buffet for paid-up club members.

Next meeting is March 5, 2009.

Hope to see everyone on the Cruise :yahoo:


Spyder Z 15 - 2/16/2009 at 21:27

It was good bringing the Z out. I should be dropping my car off to have my rear main fixed next monday and then no more smelly Z. :yahoo: