Empire Z

Welcome canyoncarver !!
jmallard - 5/10/2006 at 22:25

:welcome: canyoncarver,

Always a pleasure to see new "Z" owners here.

Would you mind going to the Control Panel/Options and complete your car information so we can see what you drive?

Remember, you can also complete your real name and telephone number. Your real name is only visible to members and admins. Your telephone number is also only visible to members and admins and only when viewing your profile.

Your real name and telephone number are never visible to guests, nor is your e-mail address itself. If someone wants to send you an e-mail, a form is presented by the forum software to send the e-mail to you.

Enjoy your visits :wizard:


canyoncarver - 5/11/2006 at 17:45


I entered my name & phone like 4 times and it doesn't appear after I hit update.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the big bear cruiz.

jmallard - 5/12/2006 at 09:33

Send me a U2U (Private Message) with the information and I'll enter it for you.

I'll also try to see what the problem is as to why you can't update the info.
