Empire Z

How To Use The Photo Gallery
jmallard - 11/11/2005 at 20:12

Click on <Photo Gallery> icon at top of page.

Scroll down - click on <New Album>


You will be presented with the New Album creation box.

Enter the name of your album
- Describe your album name - My Ride, etc.
- Click on <submit>


You will then be taken to your new album.


Click on <Upload Photo>

You will be taken to the photo upload screen


You may enter up to 20 file names to upload to your library.
You MUST give the image a name in the Image Name box.
You also may give a description of the photo.

Then click on the <browse> button on the right to find your photo.
This selection will give you a pop up window to search for the
directory where your photos are located.


Double click on the filename of the photo that you want and it will
appear in the Upload Box.

Then click on <Submit Changes> at the bottom of the Upload Screen


This will begin the upload from your computer to the Photo Gallery.
Be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your connection


You are now viewing your new Photo Album.

You can click on the selections at the bottom of the screen to further
manage your photo album.

Click on any image to view a larger display


Below the photo you will see the description you gave the photo and
creation date.

Your visitors can even rate the photo.

You can <Edit> your photos (to change the descrition for example)

One of the selections is <Slide Show>

This will automatically start a slide show of all the photos in
your album.

The photos will display in a slide show until you select
<Pause> <Return to Album> <Return to Gallery>


Hope this helps you in creating your new Phogo Gallery.

If you have any questions, just ask in the general forum.


Spyder Z 15 - 11/18/2005 at 09:10

:jivin: :user: Lookin' good Jerry. I'm gonna do mine today again. :biggrin:

300zdrift99 - 11/18/2005 at 10:34

I got mine up... old pix of when she was intact still.

jmallard - 11/19/2005 at 20:32

Originally posted by 300zdrift99
I got mine up... old pix of when she was intact still.

Doesn't matter how old, the pictures still look good Jorge. :thumbsup:

300zdrift99 - 11/22/2005 at 14:53



She'll be looking alot better in a few months!