Because of all the problems you've been having with sending email and apparently trying to send out mass emails my server is now being blocked by
Verizon for spamming. Therefore I am unable to send you email. However, Guldan has resolved your email set up issues. He set up a test account on
empirez and we've sent several emails back and forth and both of us have been able to send and receive. So try these settings in your email
- Server:
- Port: 143
- Server:
- Port 587
- Requires Authentication
And now I see there's a problem with the u2u system. Will look into it after you get set on the email.
Didn't see this because I didn't get an email notification from the forum.
At any rate, I set up my email client as you recommended. Does not work for me. Can't send any email with
My address is working. You should probably respond to that address.
If the email is working then you should use those same settings for
Sending email to me from your verizon account is useless. Because you've been trying to send out mass emails verizon thinks you're spamming and
therefore they have blacklisted my server. Which is not good for me because I have customers and family that I now cannot reach by email.
I don't know what the deal is. I've never seen anyone have this much difficulty in setting up email in almost 20 years of hosting. Yesterday Guldan
set up a test email account on empirez and we had no trouble whatsoever in sending and receiving email to each other. So I can't understand why this
is so difficult for you. If you had AIM or Skype it would be easier to communicate especially now since verizon is blocking me.
Well, I don't know what to say.
I have never had any problems setting up e-mail accounts before either. The cPanel for both the websites had an option to automatically populate the
email accounts and that's what I did at the start. How was I supposed to know that was going to cause all these problems?
That's where the Dick from the club set his email up the same way and started getting the SPAM and JUNK notifications immediately. He sent test
emails to several of our club members who use sbcglobal, verizon, earthlink, and others & they all reported receiving the emails as SPAM and
The only thing I could do was change settings and try them out by sending email between the accounts.
I'm sorry if it has caused problems for you.
I don't know why you don't want to talk on the phone, it's a lot easier than typing all this stuff.
I do have SKYPE on the wife's computer.
I don't know what else to do. I can just move the accounts back to the original servers. For all your trouble, you can just keep the money.
Let me know what you want to do.
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Try these settings. Make sure anything marked as SSL or TLS is not checked.
- Server:
- Port: 110
- Server:
- Port 587
- Requires Authentication
Is the incoming to be selected as IMAP or POP ?
Right now I can email between the two accounts and they are both set up as:
IMAP Mail Server - Incoming:
- Server:
- Port: 993 (default)
Connection security: SSL/TLS
- Server:
- Port 465
- Requires Authentication
As soon as I set them up as above, I got about 30 emails to Haven't got any emails to
I can move the wife's portable computer in my office and see if I can contact you with SKYPE. I have only used it a couple of times so not very
familiar with it at all.
Set up as POP3. Deselect SSL/TLS. Incoming set to port 110. Outgoing set port to 587.
I have to delete both accounts and re-enter because Thunderbird won't allow me to change from IMAP to POP3 within the email account.
Set up empirez as you sugested.
Sent you a test email and Thunderbird said it was sent.
Got it.
Trying to get you on Skype using the wife's iPad.
Searched for WormHole and it showed about 9 people, none of which look like you, most out of country. Do I need a phone number ?
Like I said, I'm not familiar with Skype, we used it a couple of years ago when the wife was traveling in Europe.
What is your Skype username?
Been waiting for you to accept my contact request.
Don't see any indication on the iPad so I don't know how to accept.
Finally saw request and answered yes, I here.