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Author: Subject: March 5, 2009 - Club Meeting
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

bouncing.gif posted on 3/6/2009 at 12:47
March 5, 2009 - Club Meeting


Thanks to everyone for coming out and braving the cold weather. It seems that the colder it gets, the more people show up to the meets. Most of the attention tonight went to Rich's beautiful GTR: We also had special guests from Inland Valley (ZCCIV).

Today's attendance:

1-510 wagon
1-GTR (yes, we now have an offical GTR in the club)
5-daily drivers

Thanks to everyone who patronized Dennys today. I'm sure they appreciate the business and it helps keep our good standing with them.

Annual Dues:
Annual club dues are $35 ($10.00 for Associate) and the period runs March 09 through March 10. As incentive to sign up before our April event, we are throwing in a free dinner next month at Hooters. Meeet us there at 8pm.

Officer Elections:
It's also time to elect our club officers. Any club member is welcomed to run for office. Available positions:

Vice President
Sgt, At Arms

If no one runs against any of the positions, the current officers will be re-elected for another one (1) year term.


Thursday April 2, 2009 Empire Z Hooters Dinner.
Sunday April 26 2009 Z-Car West Coast Nationals.

Saturday May 16th, 2009 UTI car show, Rancho cucamonga.
Sunday May 17th 2009 Inland Valley ZCCIV 7th annual car show Temecula

Sunday June 7, 2009 Empire Z Mountain Cruise.

Also, check the "Calendar" link at the top of the page. All events are listed in the monthly displays.

If you care about such things. . . My....
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