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Author: Subject: March 2015 - Meeting Notes
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 3/7/2015 at 11:20
March 2015 - Meeting Notes

Dear Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the monthly meeting on March 5. We had 28 Zs, with an impressive showing of S30s! Check out pictures at https://www.facebook.com/InlandEmpireZ and https://instagram.com/empire_z_club/

Annual Elections - With a quorum present, a vote was taken and here are the results:
President - Open until filled - If interested, please reply.
VP - Jerry M
Treasurer - Dick F
Secretary - Fred B
Sergeant at Arms - Jose T

Merchandise - We are looking for a volunteer to help design and order T-shirts, hats, and decals. If willing to help out the club, please reply.

Mr. K (1909 - 2015) - Appreciation was shown for the Father of the Z in celebration of all he did for the Z community. Empire Z is a member of the Z Car Club Association and they have Mr. K Commemorative decals available at http://zcca.org/product/mr-k-commemorative-window-decals-three-designs/
Side Note: Felipe P designed a Mr.K T-shirt on Teespring and raised over $2,500 for Make-a-Wish, one of Mr. K's favorite charities.

Avocado Cruise - March 8! Empire Z will head south on some scenic roads with some great twisties as we make our way to Ramona. Check out details and maps at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm

ZCCM - The March issue of Z Car Club Magazine will be a tribute to Mr. K and should be out shortly. The hard copy of issues 1.1 - 1.4 will be available in April.

Sponsors - Check out all of our sponsors at http://empirez.com/homepage/homepage.htm .

Track Day - At Chuckwalla on Mar. 28/29. Check out all of their events at http://speedventures.com/events/Default.aspx

Upcoming Events:
- Mar. 15 - Datsun Swap Meet at Eagle Rock
- Apr. 4 - Fast and Furious Drive-in organized by Group Z at the Mission Tiki in Montclair
- Apr. 11 - Z Day at Pismo Beach (sold out) - Spectators welcome
- Jun. 7 - Nissan Jam at West Covina Nissan - http://nissanjam.com/
- Jul. 14 -18 - ZCON in Memphis - http://zccazconvention.com/conventions/2015/

Next Empire Z monthly meeting is April 2. See you there!


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