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[Total Views: 3622 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 719]
Author: Subject: Anyone know anything about this intake/turbo?

Posts: 1
Registered: 6/30/2010
Location: Northern Virginia
State Flag: Virginia

Favorite Car: '70 240z

[*] posted on 7/1/2010 at 05:48
Anyone know anything about this intake/turbo?

I recently bought some parts that I believe used to belong to an Empire-Z member (Spyder Z 15). Does anyone recognize these? I can't for the life of me find out any information about them


Namely, the intake & Turbo. Who made the intake? What is the turbo capable of? Why are they rare/unique/whatever? Consider me an idiot and please spell things out.

Guys (& Gals?), Thank you. I definitely appreciate your help.
Super Administratorjmallard


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Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 7/1/2010 at 12:26


Spyder Z 15 is a member here but rarely makes posts.

He is most active at http://300zxclub.com/forumdisplay.php?f=53

This is the Empire Z forum page. Spyder Z15 (Dustin) is a moderator there.

Hope this helps.


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