June 7 - Monthly Club Meeting
Gerry is on travel again, so I thought I'd throw up a few words about the meeting.
Another chilly and windy night for the meeting. 
Strange how we fall down in participation during the summer months, must be that lots of folks are taking early vacations for the summer. Dick is on
vacation now.
We had a total of 12 "Z" cars show up tonight, not all at once, some left before others showed up.
Didn't have a meeting or announcement session as usual, just everyone gathering in small groups and chatting and moving into another group and
continuing to chat...about "Z" cars of course 
Charles Park (one of our Best Sponsors) and his wife were with us again. We really appreciate them driving up here from San Diego to attend our
meetings. As usual, he had samples of many of his fine products tucked into the hatch of his Z32 (with his latest acquired silver Z32) and as usual,
I had no money. 
Several people were talking about attending the next "Z" event; the SDZ32 cruize through Borrego Springs in San Diego County. The cruise is on June
9th - that's this Saturday folks. >Click here for more information<
Flyers were passed out for the Baldy View ROP Foundation 6th Annual Car Show Benefit on Jun 30th. Chuck, Bill Hughes, Bob Wells, myself (Jerry) and a
few others plan to make this event and make a showing of "Z" cars (should be a lot of fun! ). It is my understanding that this is a traditionally
"hot rod" type car show, but four Zs were there last year and tied for participation with 4 PT Cruisers. Here are links to the flyer if other EmpireZ Members or any "Z" car owner or other Z club members would like
to attend with us. Page One - Page 2. It would be great if we could get 15 or 20 "Z" cars to
participate in this event. Would probably be fuel for many great conversations at the meet. 
That's about it for news from me, I left around 10pm.