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[Total Views: 5192 | Total Replies: 3 | Thread Id: 206]
Author: Subject: some infor for thurs meet
Former Vice-President

Posts: 14
Registered: 12/14/2005
Location: Riverside, CA 92503
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 N/A 300

Mood: mellow

[*] posted on 1/30/2006 at 12:14
some infor for thurs meet

ok remember that this thurs is the dealine to put your namr in for a cabinet position. seems like secretary will be open. cons has to much on his plate. it's a position that does not require to much. and it's also a good way to start if one is serious aboout moving up in the ranks.
also remember that dues will be up for renewal in march. price should stay the same. and i do plan on having more club events even if they are informal gatherings.
see you on thurs
Memberbbugarin2 Male
Empire Z

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Location: Pomona, CA 91767
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Favorite Car: 1990 Cherry Red TT

[*] posted on 2/2/2006 at 14:56
some infor for thurs meet

What is the paypal address if we choose to pay our membership that way?

MemberChazZ Male
Empire Z Past President

Posts: 81
Registered: 10/12/2005
Gender: Male
Location: Redlands, CA
Favorite Car: 1996 300ZX TT

[*] posted on 2/3/2006 at 03:31
some infor for thurs meet


membership dues can be paid to Paypal at the following address:


Also, any club merchandise can be purchased through:

sales @empirez.com

Regards, ChazZ
Empire Z
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Former Vice-President

Posts: 14
Registered: 12/14/2005
Location: Riverside, CA 92503
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 N/A 300

Mood: mellow

[*] posted on 2/4/2006 at 22:34
some infor for thurs meet

thx chuck for posting this for jerry

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