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[Total Views: 5692 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 1210]
Author: Subject: Toys For Tots
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 11/24/2015 at 11:43
Toys For Tots


Attention Empire Z Club Members:

It was discussed at the November 5th meeting we would have a Toys for
Tots Campaign. We will have a friendly competition (bragging rights)
with Group Z on which club can bring the most unwrapped toys with a
value of $10 or more. Please bring your unwrapped gift to the next
meeting on December 3, 2015. We will collect the toys and count the
quantity and will deliver them directly to Toys for Tots.

The fastest and easiest way to keep up on all the latest news for the
club is to follow us on Facebook, and Instagram, links are provided



We look forward to seeing all of you at our next meeting. (Dec 3, 2015)

Happy Holidays
Chris Leon
Empire Z President

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Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1300
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

[*] posted on 12/4/2015 at 01:07

Our Toys for Tots Campaign went well at the monthly club meeting on
Dec 3, 2015.

With the unselfish support of our Club Members and Non-Members, we were
able to fill to overflowing two 240Zs with toys. Many of these toys
were much more valuable than our request of $10 or more value.




Thanks again everyone for your great support to a worthy cause.
May you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Empire Z Club

If you care about such things. . . My....
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