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Author: Subject: July 2015 - Meeting Notes
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 7/2/2015 at 23:43
July 2015 - Meeting Notes

Empire Z Members,

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the monthly meeting on July 2nd. We had over 29 Z cars with all 6 generations represented !

Chris, our new Club President, spoke of the Annual Mountain Cruise and what a great turn out we had. It was a beautiful day and a great cruise with about 33 Z cars in attendance.

He also mentioned that on a club run it is everyone's individual responsibility for their conduct on the highways. All Z owners are welcome on our cruises, but all are responsible for their actions, not Empire Z. One non-member was stopped by the CHP for excess speed and crossing the solid yellow lane. The person ended up getting his car towed because he had no driver's license, insurance or registration in his possession.

Charles Park, Powertrix.com was present with his Pre 4th of July Sale on Powertrix parts and he had several examples on hand at great prices. Charles related that he will extend the sale through the week-end (July 2-5th) for all those present at the July 2nd meeting.

We had two new members join the club - Welcome Tom M. (1983 280Z Turbo) and Matthew L. (2011 Infiniti G37).

Upcoming Events:

- July 14-18 - ZCON in Memphis, TN - http://zccazconvention.com/conventions/2015/
- July 25 - DYNO DAY, Superior Motors, 761 Monroe Way, Placentia, CA 92870. Starting at 8:30am - 3 Pulls for $40.00 for club members ($50.00 for non-members). This will be an all day event.
- August 15 - Empire Z/Group Z/SoCal Z/ FAMILY CAR SHOW - TOYS FOR TOTS. All Z cars welcome, no entry fee, just bring an unwrapped toy valued at $10.00 or more. Trophies will be awarded for all categories of Z Cars & others. Check the website for flyer.

Next Empire Z monthly meeting is August 6th. Hope to see you there !


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