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[Total Views: 5026 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 1108]
Author: Subject: Mr.K
Super Administratorjmallard


Posts: 1297
Registered: 10/9/2005
Location: SoCal
State Flag: California

Favorite Car: 1990 300ZX TT

Mood: Always Confused

flag_rsvd.gif posted on 2/21/2015 at 11:46

Dear Empire Z Members,

It is with regret that we inform you of the passing of Mr. K. Reports confirmed that he passed on February 19 at the age of 105. You can see the article at https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/nissan-executive-known-father-z-dies-105-07...

As a driving force behind the development and continued success of the Z, he was known as the "Father of the Z." We were fortunate to have his yellow 240Z at our show this past year and it is also on the cover of his book, "Mr. K - Yutaka Katayama - A Man Who Realized A Dream In America." He has a well-known quote in his book and even on the wall of my garage, "Love Cars, Love People, Love Life." Thank you, Mr. K. Rest in Peace.

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